- News -


Volunteering Action

On the past 3rd of March, the LIFE BEETLES project celebrated the World Wildlife Day with the volunteering activity "Acacia Hunting", in Ribeira do Fundão, one of the intervention areas of the (...)

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Management Meeting

On February 18th of 2021, another LIFE BEETLES Management Meeting was held, where the state point of the project was determined and where some of the most demanding problems encountered so far (...)

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Local Awareness for Biodiversity

The first weekend of February 2021 was marked by the event “Humanity and Biosphere”, in Flores Island, as a way to raise awareness among the local populations about the importance of the (...)

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Advisory Boards

Today we had the opportunity to gather the Advisory Board in order to discuss the most challenging topics of the project. We counted with the presence of multiple specialists in nature conservation, (...)

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Project’s Anniversary

Today we complete 1 year since this adventure has begun. It is the first anniversary of the LIFE BEETLES project! It has been a year of dedication, learning, sharing and integration between (...)

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