The first essays for the implementation of nature-based solutions have been initiated this month, by the operational team of Flores Island, as foreseen in action C.4 “Pilot/Demonstration works for creation of a favourable green infrastructure for Tarphius floresensis within peri-urban areas”. This action aims to assess whether the increase and improvement of habitat quality can play a fundamental role in the conservation of habitat fragments of Tarphius floresensis in peri-urban areas of Flores Island.
For this first phase, the work focuses mainly on the creation of wooden structures reusing wood from previous cuts (namely Cryptomeria japonica and Pittosporum undulatum). The disposition of such structures aims to mitigate the erosion on the riverbed margins and avoid landslides. We also gave the first steep on wood stacking and smaller branches with the purpose of accelerating the decomposition of the woody material, attracting insects and serving as future shelter for endemic species, namely the beetle Tarphius floresensis, a target species of the project.