Bringing environmental and ecological

threats lower to endangered species

Ground Beetle

Trechus terrabravensis

Ground Beetle

Pseudanchomenus aptinoides

Ironclad beetle

Tarphius floresensis

The LIFE BEETLES project is a nature conservation project co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by the Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change, having the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change as a partner, with a global investment of 1,76 million euros that will run for 5 years (from January 2020 until December 2024).

The project aim is to improve the population size, distribution area and conservation status of three endemic beetle species: Ironclade beetle (Tarphius floresensis)  on Flores islandLaurocho (Pseudanchomenus aptinoides) on Pico Island and Ground beetle (Trechus terrabravensis ) on Terceira Island.

Project Progress

Last update: 03/05/2024

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